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Strategic Planning


About the Organisation

This London-based YMCA an independent charity that is affiliated to the YMCA movement. They work across some of London’s most deprived boroughs. Over 600,000 young people call their patch of London home.  

Young people are at the centre of all they do. Their vision is for a society where they are equipped to create a future of their own choosing. They collaborate with them so that they make informed choices through access to accommodation, youth services and community engagement. 

Over 150 years, they have helped tens of thousands of young people. Today, at any one time they house over 400 people who are experiencing homelessness, and they impact the lives of thousands. 

In 2022, they opened a new landmark home for young people in London experiencing homelessness. The new 146 bed accommodation, a £25 million investment, is arranged in flats of 6, 5, and 2 bedrooms and provides a pathway for them to break out of the powerlessness of being homeless and to create a new future of their own.

Request details:

Two years ago, the charity created a 2030 focused vision, mission, and values, together with a set of intermediate objectives covering the first three years. The work brought two sets of trustees to a single mindset around a common longer-term vision. Now after restructuring they are looking to the future to create new five-year objectives that advances that purpose.  

They have several aspirations that they would like to achieve, the most significant being the regeneration of one of their sites in a £35m investment. However, a process needs to be defined and brought together in a single, easy to consume document, to clarify their objectives for young people experiencing homelessness, for young people in the communities around their sites, and for the back-up systems, administration, and governance of the organisation. 

The charity is seeking pro bono support to guide them through a strategic planning process and help them to work through their goals. This will ideally include: 

  • Undertaking customer and market surveys in their seven London locations. 
  • Researching income and funding potential in the markets that they work in. 
  • Facilitating their people to make contributions to the creation of a vibrant, deliverable set of objectives. 


The work needs to be undertaken by autumn and brought to their board in December in order to set budgets for the 2025/6 financial year. 

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