Take on a challenge
If you have your own place in an event like a marathon, run or cycle, you can still join Team LandAid.
There are lots of ways to get involved with, and fundraise for us, not only through our LandAid run events, but through creative and inventive initiatives in offices and teams across the country.
Whether you organise a lunchtime HIIT class, a virtual horse-race or host a well loved baked sale, you can be sure that the money you raise will provide much-needed support to young people who don’t have somewhere to call home.
To collect that all-important sponsorship money, set up a fundraising page or download our sponsorship form.
And to discuss your fundraising plans with us, get in touch via email.
Fundraisers up and down the country biked, baked and bounced for LandAid this year. What will you do?
So, you have a great fundraising idea and you want to let everyone know about it? Here’s how you can make the most of social media and internal communications to win the support of your friends and colleagues.
Create a plan
Have a plan for when you’re going to share your social media posts, and on what platforms. Use a variety of messages, photos or even short videos to keep your followers engaged.
Share your story with your followers
Social media
Make the most of platforms you’re already on
Promote your fundraising activities on the social media platforms you use the most and where you have the most followers. Don’t worry about setting up a Twitter or Instagram page if you don’t already have one – use Facebook if you have it instead! LinkedIn can also be a great way of reaching out to colleagues across the industry.
Getting ready for a race? Post pictures of your training. Planning a cake sale? Show off your baking skills to your followers. Photos, blogs and live videos are a great way to engage your followers and make them feel part of the journey, so they feel inspired to donate.
Internal communications
Offer your audience something
Sending emails to your team about your fundraising can be good – but offer them a reason to take interest! It could be delicious cakes if you’re planning a bake sale or entertainment if it’s an office karaoke. That’ll encourage more colleagues to attend your event and support your fundraising.
Weekly bulletin/intranet
Does your office have a weekly bulletin or intranet where you can promote your fundraising? This is a good alternative if you don’t want to keep emailing your team.
In the office
Go offline with your promotion – more and more offices have lovely digital display screens, perfect for communicating your fundraising idea to colleagues (just be sure to get permission before doing this!)
Word of mouth
Word of mouth is a powerful tool. Recruit a few members of you team to help you rally your wider colleagues to support your fundraising. The more people taking part, the merrier!
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for LandAid with easyfundraising? There are over 8,000 retailers on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis & Partners, ASOS, Booking.com and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
Everyone here at LandAid is behind you every step of the way, so be sure to reach out and share your fabulous fundraising with us!
If you have your own place in an event like a marathon, run or cycle, you can still join Team LandAid.
Make a commitment to ending youth homelessness whilst raising the profile of your brand across the property industry
Learn more about the ins and outs of fundraising for us