In conversation with: akt – the national LGBTQ+ youth homelessness charity

A disproportionate number of young LGBTQ+ people are facing homelessness due to a multitude of issues ranging from homophobia, transphobia, shame and societal stigma.


As pride month reaches a close, we spoke to our charity partner, akt, to explore how LandAid can continue provide grants, support and work to improve access to housing services in the face of these problems.


According to akt’s most recent figures, 24% of young people experiencing homelessness identify as being LGBTQ+. They are the only national charity  specialising in LGBTQ+ youth homelessness, providing a range of support services including: emergency housing, securing long term homes, and financial and mental health support.

akt cite the main reasons for homelessness as …

(All stats based on akt referrals from 1st of April 2023 – 31st of March 2024)

  • 29 %

    due to family reasons

    akt data

  • 20 %

    were kicked out

    akt data

  • 24 %

    due to violence

    akt data

  • 22 %

    did not feel safe at home

    akt data

Of these young people, 59% faced discrimination or harassment when accessing housing services and 50% of them had already tried to contact their local authority before approaching akt. Many voiced feelings of being dismissed and devalued in the process and even being misgendered.

akt work hard to educate support services on the specific issues that are more prevalent in the LGBTQ+ community and how to respond to these  effectively in providing safe and consistent housing.

LandAid are honoured to be able to work alongside akt in providing vital support.. However, we need to do more to respond to these shocking statistics.

LandAid’s support has been instrumental in our mission to assist 16-25 year old LGBTQ+ individuals who are facing homelessness. The fund from two Streetsmart grants have been vital to support two dedicated caseworkers who provide one-on-one assistance to young people, helping them secure long-term, safe housing and empowering them to thrive. LandAid’s commitment to our cause is making a significant difference in the lives of those we serve. We are deeply thankful for your continued partnership and support.
Amy Heritage, Director of Fundraising at akt

akt grants provided by LandAid

Akt London – £36,297

LandAid has funded the role of a Senior Caseworker at akt London. This role triages young LGBTQ+ people to services including those in the realm of housing, mental health support, employment, education and training.

“The Senior Caseworker role is often the first person that young people speak to when they get in touch with our service, so it is vital for welcoming young people to the support we offer and shaping their journey through the homelessness systems. The Senior Caseworker offers extra experience and knowledge to the young people who come to akt.” – London Senior Case Worker.


Akt Manchester – £ 7,500

LandAid has also partially funded a case worker role in Manchester through the StreetSmart campaign, meaning that 12 young people can be supported by the end of this year.

In addition, this funding has allowed akt to run ‘warm spaces’, a drop-in for young people to find support, comfort and information in a safe and relaxed space.

Why LandAid supports akt now and into the future. 

Pride is more than a month of celebration. It’s year round, 365 days a year and our charity partners need support outside of June.

akt’s services are massively oversubscribed, meaning they have to temporarily close their  services when they are at capacity.  Essential support from funders like LandAid mean they are able to keep services open for longer, helping LGBTQ+ young people when they need them most.

In the current financial climate, it takes akt caseworkers twice as long to have successful outcomes due to the lack of affordable and supported housing. Their starter packs, which help with the costs of a deposit and essential housing items, have also become more expensive in line with the increasing cost of living.

woman leans onto a glass window looking out

We need to support the needs of everyone in the LGBTQ+ community

Whilst our grants have provided important casework support, there are still areas of concern that we must continue to support.

akt report that many of the people reaching out to them have complex and intersectional needs. For example, some people who need their support may be non-binary, trans+, neurodivergent, or have experienced abuse.

It’s important we are tuned in to these issues specific to intersectionality within the LGBTQ+ community to ensure we can offer funding support that enables akt to provide services in a way which is fully responsive to these needs.

akt's young peoples stories

Find out more about the people we are supporting together.


Charlie was referred to akt after experiencing homophobic abuse from neighbours, leaving him sleeping on buses and sofa surfing to avoid the abuse he was enduring.


Asif was referred to akt in May 2021. Asif came to the UK from Pakistan on a student visa, he was being supported by family in Pakistan and was living with his uncle in the UK whilst studying.


Tash reached out to akt when she became homeless as a result of domestic abuse.

You can support LGBTQ+ youth

The property and wider built environment industry has the power to work with LandAid to combat the ever-changing challenges that LGBTQ+ charities such as akt face. You and your business can be there for young people who have nowhere else to turn.

Find out more