Landsec donates surplus IT devices to help combat youth homelessness via LandAid

Landsec create places that make a lasting positive contribution to communities and planet.

Leading UK real estate company LANDSEC are putting sustainability and technology reuse into action by donating three full roll-cages of surplus IT devices to be refurbished and given -away to LandAid’s charities supporting those experiencing homelessness.


Landsec create places that make a lasting positive contribution to communities and planet. This latest initiative is testament to their core values showcasing their commitment to sustainable places and further supporting community through charitable giving to create social value and impact. For each device donated, Landsec are contributing towards C02 emissions reduction by approx. 30kg per device whilst also avoiding landfill.


The first batch of devices have been refurbished and securely data wiped by IT technology charity Computers 4 Charity, based in Aylesford who data wipe all suitable devices received and give them a second life through refurbishment – completely free of charge.


Two PC systems, along with four laptops are being supplied to YMCA Thames Gateway, a hostel based in Dartford, selected as a local beneficiary for the devices by LandAid.


The device handover took place on Thursday 10th February 2022 at 9AM at BLUEWATER – one of Landsec’s flagship retail destinations where the devices were sourced and identified for reuse.


YMCA Thames Gateway are delighted with the provision of devices which will be ideally placed at their community café – a new project initiative launching in March to support the local community and young residents facing challenging times by providing an inclusive, safe place for young people to meet and apply for jobs, housing, and education opportunities, as well as providing a vital lifeline to their families.


LandAid and Computers 4 Charity are working in partnership to encourage the donation of computers from across the property industry. Through the partnership, Computers 4 Charity help meet these needs in the most effective and targeted way to enable a long-term supply of refurbished computers to be provided to LandAid’s network of youth homelessness charity partners.


James Waugh, Centre Director at Bluewater, said: “As part of our commitment to creating sustainable places, we’re supporting people facing significant barriers into employment in whatever way we can. The community café at YMCA Thames Gateway is an incredible initiative that will have a real impact on the lives of young people. We’re delighted to be able to support the project through our ongoing partnership with LandAid by donating some of our surplus computer equipment.”


Brian Cooke, Director of Housing at YMCA said: ‘We are so incredibly grateful to Landsec for their donation of six computers. These really are more than just’ computers. For some, this means access to education, for others a way to connect with family and friends, and for many, somewhere they can search for work opportunities. They will be available for use in our community hub, the café in our Dartford branch.


‘Partnership working is very important to YMCA Thames Gateway Group, and we are thankful for the ongoing support we receive from LandAid and Computers 4 Charity, who have matched our charities up.’


Paul Morrish, Chief Executive, LandAid said: ‘LandAid is delighted to have been able to link Landsec up with YMCA Thames Gateway. We look forward to seeing the positive impact these computers will have on the lives of their young people and other beneficiaries. Technology and connectivity are vital to the success of the charities and young people that we support, and we hope to further expand our work in this area via our free professional support brokering service and Tech Network.’


George Cook, Honorary Chief Executive of Computers 4 Charity said: ‘Landsec have responded to LandAid’s tech appeal and donated three full roll-cages of IT equipment. Now the first computers have been securely data wiped and upgraded by Computers 4 Charity to give them a second life, each one saving the earth from a new one being made and avoiding polluting the planet with 30Kg of CO2. Best of all, these PCs and laptops have been given away to a YMCA Community Café, helping those facing homelessness.’