Skye’s story

Skye faced homelessness at the age of 16 due to a lack of family support.

Date published



Lauren Doy, Senior Communications & Engagement Manager at LandAid

Skye had to leave college due to a medical condition that affected her daily lifestyle. Whilst undergoing tests and hospital appointments at the age of 16, things got scary when she experienced a breakdown in her family relationships.

This left Skye with no support and no home. Staying in hostels provided her with a level of stability but not enough for someone at such a young age with health issues.

My childhood was not the best start for me. I felt that I had to grow up too soon. My younger years were not the greatest and this impacted my future too. I struggled a lot with school life and home life too, physically and mentally.

Thankfully, Skye received care and support from LandAid’s charity partner, Hope into Action. They helped her onto a path towards a positive future. One which provided stability and a home.

With property industry support, LandAid has given monetary grants to Hope into Action, so they can provide housing for young people experiencing homelessness.

Skye has now formed great friendships that have helped grow her self-esteem and given her confidence to live more independently within supported housing. 

I feel so alive, so myself and I’m ready ... I’m ready to be independent. I’m ready for my own life, my start and this is my turn and thanks to Hope into Action and LandAid I’m here, I’m finally here at the peak of life. The place I thought was impossible to be but I’ve made it and the view is stunning!