Single Homeless Project (SHP) – COVID-19 Emergency Fund

SHP is a London-based charity that works to prevent homelessness and help vulnerable and socially excluded young people and adults to transform their lives.


London, UK

COVID-19 transformed the way in which SHP works with its young people. Many of its young people had struggled with isolation due to food poverty and a lack of positive activities. SHP anticipated that the crisis would have an impact on the way it worked with young people for at least three months.

Phase 1

LandAid’s £10,000 grant delivered 100 care packages to young people who were isolated and lacked basic necessities. This included food supplies, mobile phone credit and/or clothes or a voucher to access paid services such as Netflix. These funds would also develop a digital support mechanism for their young people, such as provision of Wi-FI. Furthermore, PPE was provided in order to keep their staff and residents safe.

Phase 2

The £9,882 phase two grant enabled a remodelling and refurbishment of the kitchen at SHP’s Creekside hostel in Greenwich which was currently not fit for purpose. This project enabled SHP to run a new cooking sessions project, and the grant also allowed SHP to purchase new kitchen equipment.