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Damp Survey


About the Organisation


The NSPCC is the leading children’s charity fighting to end child abuse in the UK and the Channel Islands. Our vision is ‘Together we can stop child abuse and neglect’ and has been supporting children for over 100 years. Between 2016 and 2021 NSPCC has helped make over 6.6 million children safer from abuse. Child abuse and neglect happen every day and at least two children in the average primary school classroom have experienced abuse or neglect.  
Our campaigns and services help children who’ve been abused, protect children at risk and find the best ways to prevent abuse from ever happening. NSPCC’s Campaigns are locally led and partnership focussed, with the aim of behaviour change to achieve impact. Campaigns can be delivered on themes such as neglect, or early years or locally driven from the distinct needs of local young people or communities. Local partners and communities are involved in campaigns to ensure legacy and outcomes. 
NSPCC also works directly with children and families in national and regional hubs and gives support to thousands of adults and young people through the NSPCC helpline and Childline. Our service offering can be found at nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/our-services/ 

Request details

The NSPCC recently found issues around damp in two of their service hubs in Camden and Nottingham. This is of particular concern as they could have potential health implications for the children, young people and adults that accessing the spaces. Because of the vital work of the NSPCC they need to ensure there service areas are warm, welcoming and well maintained while being mindful of the cost of heating spaces particularly during the cost of living crisis.  As a charity with limited resources, they would really appreciate pro bono support to resolve the issue. 
The NSPCC hubs in Nottingham and/or Camden would welcome pro bono support to carry out damp surveys, providing a full report for each property that includes clear recommendations on how to move forward to eliminate damp issues. Details include a 10,000sq ft space in Camden and 4,000sq ft in Nottingham.  



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